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Home / Training / RYA Dinghy Sailing Courses
Home / Training / RYA Dinghy Sailing Courses

RYA Dinghy Sailing Courses

Jumbles Sailing Club runs several RYA Dinghy courses throughout the year. The courses on this page are for those aged 16 and over, if you are under 16 please click here.

We run our courses for the benefit of our members rather than to make profit. However, we still welcome a small contribution of £50 towards the running of the courses from our members. This helps to cover the cost of logbooks, RYA Certificates, Fuel for safety boats used doing the course and maintenance/insurance of the club boats used during the course.

Please note: as we are not a commercial training centre you are required to be a member of the club in order to attend these courses (for more information on becoming a member please click here).

We offer a range of courses catering to a range of different skill levels. Below is a list of courses that we run and summary of what each course entails.

RYA Dinghy Level 1 (Start Sailing)

RYA Dinghy Level 1 teaches you how to sail in all directions, including an awareness of launching and recovering.

RYA Dinghy Level 2 (Basic Skills)

Rya Dinghy Level 2 teaches you how to rig, launch, sail and recover a boat. You will learn how to capsize a boat and essential safety knowledge.

RYA Dinghy Level 3 (Better Sailing)

RYA Dinghy Level 3 will give you more confidence in your sailing skills and develops advanced techniques with a range of tasters from the advanced modules

RYA Dinghy Seamanship

Seamanship is one of the advanced modules. It covers launching and recovering the boat in different circumstances, stopping, reducing sail, recovering a man overboard and anchoring.

RYA Sailing with Spinnakers

Sailing with spinnakers is one of the advanced modules. It covers rigging the boat, gybing and recovering one type of spinnaker, either conventional or asymmetric (but if you talk nicely to the instructors they might be persuaded to cover both types!). It also covers how to sail the best possible course downwind.

If you would like any more information on any of our courses, please contact our Training Principle using the contact us feature

Last updated 00:14 on 30 March 2022

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